51% Disapprove of Trump's Handling of the Relationship Between the US and Russia (NBC/Wall Street Journal)

Jul 22, 2018

45% believe Trump's relationship with Putin is too friendly

In a recent poll of registered voters, a majority (51%) disapprove of the way Trump is handling the relationship between the US and Russia, vs 26% who approve and 21% who have no opinion. This dates of this poll included before, during and after the Trump-Putin summit. And in general, a plurality (45%) believe Trump's relationship with Putin is too friendly, vs 29% not too friendly, and 26% no opinion.

When asked about their feelings toward NATO, 45% of registered voters had a positive view, 28% had a neutral view, and 13% had a negative view. Regarding Trump's handling of the situation in North Korea, 44% approve while 36% disapprove.

Read full article here.

See complete poll results.