Posts by Cesar Bowley Castillo

Using Polls to Inform your Media Strategy
Earlier this week, we covered how to assess the public opinion landscape of the issues we work on. Having an understanding of this big picture, now we are ready to use polling data to inform our media strategy. Developing an informed strategy is all about audience: defining who they are, learning as much as you…

How to Understand Polling of Underrepresented Communities
With five days before the midterms, many of us are preparing to peruse exit poll data hoping to understand how or why Americans voted one way or another. But we’ll do so with caution since recent elections have reminded us of the limitations of exit polling—primarily problems with representative sampling (because we won’t know what…

Five Things to Pay Attention to in a New Poll
You’ve just read in the news: “77% of surveyed registered voters said that ‘Reducing the influence of special interests and corruption in Washington’ is either the most important or a very important issue facing the country.” We often see the media citing statistics on how the public feels about major issues. Where do they get…