Posts by Deepika Choudhary

Hot off the press!

Our Most Popular Op-ed Advice

As the new Congress settles in and debate heats up, there’s no time like the present to pitch an op-ed bringing a spotlight to your issues and framing the debate. Experts and advocates often seek our advice on how to write op-eds. Heading into the new year, here is a useful refresher on writing a…

media strategy print media

How to Find the Right Reporters Who Cover Your Issues

You’re about to start work on an entirely new set of issues and you want to know: who are the reporters who cover them?  While there’s no one easy solution (unless, of course, someone like ReThink Media has already made a list for you!) we’ll take you through the tips and tricks we have found…

media strategy

How to Use a Pre-Existing Media Moment to Advocate for Your Issues

While much of our work at ReThink Media involves developing strategies to respond to breaking news events, a strong communication plan also anticipates upcoming opportunities for engagement. And despite the nearly constant “holidays” trending on Twitter (think: National Chocolate Milkshake Day or National Dog Day, both of which occurred recently), some of these online moments…

media strategy

How to Use Our Morning Clips to Shape Your Media Work

If you have been involved with ReThink Media, chances are that you receive the daily news clips that we send out in the morning (if you don’t, you should, so make sure to reach out to your ReThink Media point of contact!). These daily clips, compiled by ReThink staff, are designed to highlight the most…

media strategy