Posts by Dorry Levine

How to Prepare Your Spokespeople for Rapid Response Events

Note: This post is part of a series about how to prepare your organization for its next crisis opportunity. Do you have multiple, well-trained, media spokespeople? A few common challenges that organizations face revolve around spokespeople. If there are too few, or the role is concentrated in a single leadership figure, this will result in…

crisis communications media strategy

Is Your Organization Ready for Rapid Response Opportunities?

There are two types of media engagement: those where you execute a proactive plan and those where you spring into action in response to breaking news stories.  Both—the known and the unknown—done correctly, require a sustained infrastructure, a substantial amount of coordination, and ever-deepening partnerships and trust-building with and among the communities and allies we…

crisis communications media strategy

Meet the ReThink Women Centering Women’s Stories

Leading our work to center and amplify women’s voices in the media and across the movement are our Program Directors, who identify opportunities, provide guidance and strategy, and serve as a sounding board for the experts and spokespeople in our communities.  And for the first time in ReThink’s history, all of our Program Directors are…

ReThink news

Our Signature Spokesperson Training Gets Results: A Case Study

After we identified a need to train more spokespeople—including lifting up the voices of women in our sectors—to speak to their lived experiences and tell their own stories, we developed what has become one of our signature trainings. Before the coronavirus grounded our flights and prohibited us from group gatherings, these training sessions were two…

media strategy

Celebrating a Decade of Building Narrative Power with a New Look

In celebration of more than a decade of strengthening movements through building narrative power, we began an effort earlier this year of sprucing up our website to better capture the incredible work we get to do, day-in and day-out, to support advocates across the country.  While a website refresh hardly makes the cut at a…

ReThink news

The ReThink Media WFH Challenge

The coronavirus has wreaked havoc on our healthcare system, economy, and lives. For the lucky ones, it has meant an extended time working from home, wondering when we can resume our former routines. But in the midst of cancelations, you don’t need to push pause on your professional development. ReThink Media has pulled together a…

media strategy
This is a caption for the 10th Anniversary

To Celebrate Our 10th Anniversary, Here Are 10 of Our Favorite Success Stories

ReThink is thrilled to be celebrating 10 full years of powering movements. To celebrate our anniversary, here are 10 of our favorite success stories from our staff, past and present (and stay tuned for our soon-to-be-published booklet of our favorite stories and lessons learned across 10 years of movement building): Bringing Attention and Saving a…

media strategy ReThink news

Our Top-Viewed Blog Posts of the Last Year (and What They Tell Us)

So what if our end-of-year round-up is being published in February? I have a very good excuse


How to Make the Most of Your “John Oliver Moment”

Since launching his own show on HBO, John Oliver has taken audiences by storm in his long-for-Internet segments taking to task one societal injustice after another. And not only do many of his clips go viral week after week, they have also led to very real, very tangible policy changes (and wins!). For example, take…

media strategy