Posts by Dorry Levine

10 Reasons to Support ReThink Media’s Work Through CREDO’s Monthly Giving Campaign

ReThink Media is eligible to receive a huge grant this month from CREDO Mobile—but there’s a catch. We need YOUR VOTE to secure the funding. It takes only a few seconds to vote. Can we count on your help today? In case you need more convincing, here are 10 reasons to vote for us. Dividing…

ReThink news

Your (quick) VOTE Could Add $100K to ReThink Media's Resistance Fund

Our partners and friends at CREDO Mobile have nominated ReThink Media to their December month of giving campaign. It’s a tremendous honor. And it won’t cost you a penny, but there’s a catch—the amount we receive in donations depends on YOUR VOTE in support of our work!  We don’t need to tell you that it…

ReThink news

What to Do When Your Bill Hits the Floor: A Case Study

Sometimes nonprofits have notice that legislation about their issues is coming up for a vote or a hearing on the congressional floor. Other times, they don’t—and it is time to scramble to respond.  The Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP Action) provided a master class in social media rapid response this week when Congressional…

media strategy