Posts by Dorry Levine

New Year’s Communications Resolutions (Should Be Grounded In Last Year’s Data)

A new year, a new set of goals to guide your communications work. No matter what your New Year’s Communication Resolution, it makes sense to start the year understanding what your major successes were in the previous year – and where there’s still room to grow. At the end of 2016, each of ReThink Media’s…

analytics/measurement digital and multi-media

This Year, Resolve to Be a Better Communicator

Welcome to a new year, no doubt flush with resolutions. In the spirit of some common New Year’s Resolutions, we at ReThink Media want to help you out, making you the best communicator possible this year.  Say your New Year’s Resolution is to be more organized this year. This month, the ReThink Blog will focus…

media strategy

This Next Month on the ReThink Blog: How to Improve Your Reporter Relationships

While we talked last month about using Twitter to advance your advocacy work and look like an expert, this month we transition to becoming that expert and engaging journalists – both online and off. We have long advocated in favor of identifying the right journalists who cover your issues and strategically building relationships with them….

print media

New video: Make the ReThink Blog a part of your morning routine

You wake up, start the coffee, pour some cereal, and poke around news websites. What would you say about adding a new step in your morning routine that will make your job easier? The ReThink Blog is intended to do just that. Check in on the blog in the morning (or during lunch, or whenever)…

media strategy

Welcome to ReThink Media's Digital Media Toolkit: The Platforms You Need to Win

Are you using every tool in your digital strategy toolkit? Are you ready to think about expanding beyond the trusted Facebook and Twitter for your advocacy efforts? Are you wondering how to use tools like Snapchat for your policy initiatives, or why everyone and their mother seems to be posting on Medium these days?  One…

media strategy