Posts by Gracie Farese

How to Generate Media Coverage for Your Report
After putting in the immense amount of time, effort, and expertise required to create a report, many advocates wonder: How do I get media to cover my report’s release? ReThink has some step-by-step tactics to keep in mind as you create your report release plan. Who Is Your Audience? First, come up with your target…

A Millennial Guide Companion: Where To Pitch Your Op-ed
ReThink recently released our Millennials & New Media Guide: a resource that walks you through the most popular news outlets, websites, and podcasts that millennials and Gen Z’ers consult to get their daily news fix. The Guide features everything from podcasts to online streaming services to newsletters. You may be left wondering: I wrote a…

Voices of the Muslim Ban (and Tips for Capturing Your Own Stories)
For more than a year, President Trump’s Muslim Ban has separated families and thrown the lives of impacted individuals into turmoil. As the courts decide the legal merits of the President’s effort to turn campaign rhetoric into public policy, we must never lose sight of the real and devastating effect on human lives. As you…