Kathy Armstrong

Kathy Armstrong

Board Secretary

Kathy is an independent measurement, evaluation, and learning consultant with a generalist background that enables her to provide a wide range of assistance to her clients, at both strategic and operational levels. Kathy’s passion is helping nonprofit organizations build their capacity to use data and learning to better deliver on their mission. She brings a broad set of skills and experiences to her work, developed through 15+ years in both technical and senior management roles in the high-tech industry followed by more than a decade working with nonprofits and private philanthropy.

As a systems-thinker and pragmatist, she likes to work with clients from a foundation of purpose, context, and intended use. Kathy has particular expertise in the area of political reform and “good government,” including extensive work with the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s US Democracy program, California Forward, and the League of Women Voters. Kathy previously worked with ReThink Media to begin to develop our systems of measurement and evaluation.

“I became enormously impressed with ReThink Media initially through my work as a consultant to the organization several years back. It was immediately clear to me that the mission and model the co-founders developed for strengthening movements through strategic, collaborative communications could be game-changing across many different issue areas. The staff at ReThink are top-notch and deeply dedicated to their work, and so it is a privilege and with real pleasure that I continue to support the organization through service on the board of directors.”