Lynn Fahselt

Co-Founder & former Executive Director
Lynn was the Co-Founder and Executive Director of ReThink Media, a strategic communications nonprofit organization that builds capacities across movements. With more than 30 years of organizing and advocacy experience, Lynn is a specialist in designing and implementing strategies that build progressive social change movements communications and collaborative capacity. She completed the original research that led to the launch of ReThink Media, in which she assessed all prior collaborative communications models and designed ReThink as a hybrid, combining the best of each.
Lynn’s areas of expertise include strategic communications; media, opinion, and messaging analysis; and spokesperson skills training. She has conducted extensive media and messaging analysis on a wide range of policy issues, including nuclear weapons, democracy reforms, and combatting Islamophobia, and was part of an international research team conducting groundbreaking research in a five-country study of globalization themes in television news coverage.
As part of her work launching and building ReThink Media, she worked with several leading foundations to conduct in-depth media and communications assessments to inform investment and capacity-building strategies. She also helped launch several spokesperson initiatives over the past decade dedicated to measurably increasing the voiceshare of women and BIPOC advocates, experts, and leaders.
She earned a Master’s Degree in Global Media and Communications at the University of Melbourne, with a unique focus on advocacy communications; completed a senior Fellowship at Fenton Communications; and graduated with a degree in Economics from Michigan State. She’s a prodigious Master Gardener, photographer, a self-described “font geek,” and a pretty fine carpenter when she isn’t juggling requests from her kids.
Blog posts by Lynn Fahselt

A Change in Leadership at ReThink

10 Gender Traps in Communications—And How to Escape Them