
America was founded on a principle of a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Today, however, it's under an unprecedented attack. Our Democracy team works with the leading local, regional, and national groups across the country to advance a more representative democracy, wherein all Americans have an equal voice by promoting judicial and campaign finance reforms, increased transparency, fair and impartial courts, and voting rights.

Our greatest communications challenge is not building public support—an unprecedented 91% of the American public agree that money in politics is a problem, yet only 9% believe that we can reduce its influence in the next few years. Our greatest challenge is moving Americans from cynicism to action. To accomplish this, we must reach new audiences—from members of the emerging New American Majority (communities of color, women, and young people) to people on both sides of the aisle—with new messages. Our “Moving Americans to Action: A Message Guide for Democracy Advocates,” helps our groups do just that.

Success Story

I was really impressed at [ReThink’s] ability to come together across the stovepipes that had kept us from working together in the past. For the first time, I felt like we were speaking with one voice… All of these groups are working on different remedies… but this is the first time that I felt like we were all in this together, instead of getting stuck in different realities.

Marge Baker
People for the American Way