Peace and Security

Both America and the world are made more secure by engaged diplomacy and international cooperation. Our Peace and Security team works closely with the nation’s foremost leaders and experts, advocating solutions to some of the most complex and challenging national security issues of the 21st century, from nuclear security to ending our forever wars.

When it comes to issues of war and peace, we work to increase media attention on those whose lives have been directly impacted by drone strikes on civilian populations and to broaden the spectrum of voices that are heard in Beltway foreign policy debates.

Case Study

Coming Together to Demand Arms Reductions

Media Analysis + Message Testing + Public Opinion

When working to ratify the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (or New START Treaty) in 2010, ReThink worked with the arms control and disarmament community to adopt a shared messaging strategy that defined why the treaty was critical. We identified national security validators and other key spokespeople to convey those messages, and we helped them write and place op-eds in the outlets that were most critical to influencing lawmakers.